Federal State Budget
Scientific Institute "Polar Geophysical Institute" (PGI) was founded
on October 11, 1960 to study physical processes in the high latitude
region. PGI is located in the cities of Murmansk and Apatity (Kola
Peninsula). The main PGI observatories are located in Lovozero (Kola
Peninsula) and Barentsburg (Spitsbergen Archipelago), where regular
observations of auroras, cosmic rays and geomagnetic pulsations are
conducted. The subject of scientific research PGI corresponds to the
Basic directions of fundamental research of the Program of Fundamental
Scientific Researches of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientific
and applied activity of the PGI includes the development and transfer
to users of technical innovations for high-latitude geo- and
radio-physical observations, monitoring of geomagnetic variations over
a wide frequency range, monitoring of cosmic rays, monitoring of the
Arctic atmosphere and other tasks in high-latitude physics, that is due
to the location of the Institute.

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